Listening Matters!

I just HAD to share this article. It's near and dear to my heart, and honestly, just good advice!

It's so easy to expect children to work on our timeline, and adapt to our quick communication methods that we think save time, but in the long run, they make it harder. It's always worth taking a moment, getting down to their level and letting children know that they are valued, and that we want to hear what they say.

And while we're on the topic of valuing children, I may as well send you over to this article as well!

Children were (and still are!) so important to Jesus and his mission on this earth. We see many times when he walked among us that children were important to him. I love how Mark 10:16 reads, "And he [Jesus] took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them." Just try and love a child without at the very least getting down to their level. Children need to know they are loved and valued. True, we have to be a little more creative these days with safety and making sure we're being appropriate in our displays of Jesus love, but it doesn't diminish the importance. In fact, if anything, it enhances their need of it.

So stop and chat with a child today. Look into their eyes when you say hello, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they are willing to be your friend if you show them that they are worth you taking time out of your busy day for them. Show them God's love!


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